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Sixth Form

Part of the Avonreach Academy Trust


Our A Level taught units focus on European Medieval History and new for 2021, a unit on the Making of Modern Britain. The independent study unit is based around the changes in Russia between 1855 and 1956.



What is studied?


  • 3 units – 2 exams, 1 NEA (Coursework)
  • Crusades c1071 – 1204
  • Making of Modern Britain 1951 – 2007
  • Russia c1855 - 1956




How will I be Assessed?


  • Paper 1 – Crusades – A breadth study that focuses on the significant developments over a 100 year period. In this unit you will study how and why people went on Crusade in the Middle Ages and what happened when they got to where they were going. Exam sat at the end of 2 years of study.
  • Paper 2 – The Making of Modern Britain – A depth study that looks at the political, social and economic developments in Britain as it went from post-war to the 21st Politics A Level is no longer offered and so this unit offers students an alternative. Exam sat at the end of 2 years of study.
  • Historical Investigation – a personal study based on a topic of a student’s choice within the era of Russia and the USSR 1855, the beginning of the end of Tsardom to 1956, the death of Stalin. 3000 – 4000 word essay, marked by teachers, moderated by AQA, 20% of A Level.



What do we expect from you?


  • Come to every lesson prepared for work: home learning completed and handed in on time, wider reading ongoing, pens, A4 lined paper, correct folder
  • A folder for each unit to be kept up to date and ready for folder checks. Have one section for your exam answers and feedback sheets and a section for your chronological notes.
  • Complete non examination assessed tasks in your assessment exercise book.
  • If you are absent you must speak to or email your teacher so we can send you the work that you missed
  • You will need to purchase two textbooks, one for each unit, this needs to be done by October Half Term.
  • You have to research your NEA independently, begin ASAP.



What can you expect from us?


  • Verbal advice and feedback ongoing during lessons
  • Detailed written advice and feedback on assessment pieces, a mark/grade will be given if appropriate to that task.
  • An assessment exercise book
  • Brief feedback on some tasks that form the body of your knowledge but not every piece of work will be marked.
  • Folder checks at least once per term.
  • Support and advice if you are struggling, this can be one to one, after school, lunchtimes or during lessons as appropriate to your needs.
  • Exam preparation before PPEs and examiner style advice post PPEs.
  • Some learning experiences outside of the classroom when we are allowed to again!


Any questions?


  • Get in touch via 6th Form or email

