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Sixth Form

Part of the Avonreach Academy Trust


Physicists try to understand how the universe works. By better understanding the universe, they can improve our lives as well as satisfy their curiosity. Physics is the fast-­track to the biggest choice of jobs and the widest range of opportunities. There are infinite options available to people who have studied Physics.


If you are interested in the big questions in life….then Physics is definitely for you.


Do you want to improve our quality of life? Does designing the fastest and safest cars around appeal to you?  Engineers are working to improve technology, looking for solutions to the energy crisis and ways of controlling pollution. Engineers start off studying Physics.


Perhaps you want to work in medicine, in the leisure industry, in education or the media. Physics offers a surprising range of options.


Are you excited by the buzz of life in the city; working in high-­powered jobs in law, finance or computing? People with Physics qualifications are being snapped up to work in these areas because they are logical and quick thinking and able to apply mathematical models to the real world.


Whatever you dream of doing, Physics offers the best way forward.


All marks are gained from 3 written examinations with no coursework component. However, there are 12 practical sessions which students must carry out on a diverse range of topics. The understanding gained from these practical sessions is tested in the written examinations. The A Level will be endorsed with a Pass for this practical element.


Topics studied in A-level Physics


Year 1


Particle physics – where you will learn that there are more than just 3 particles

Quantum physics – the study of matter behaving like waves and waves behaving like matter

Mechanics – the fundamentals of the physics of motion

Waves – how optic fibres and violins work, and how we can analyse light from stars

Electricity – building on you GCSE understanding of electrical theory and finding out that we lied about a few things!

Materials – the physics behind the behaviour of materials


In the second year


Thermal physics – understanding on a deeper level of heat, temperature and gas behaviour

Simple harmonic Motion – the physics of vibration from atoms to bridges

Fields – the nature of electric, gravitational and magnetic fields. Everything from Satellites to CERN, generating electricity to Black holes

Nuclear physics – diving deeper into the nucleus, nuclear power, fusion and stars

Capacitors – the science behind one of the most important components of electronics


Optional topics


We have recently followed the Engineering option in which students have learned about rotational motion, the difference between petrol and diesel engines and how a heat pump can heat your house using outside air in winter. We are responsive to students' views and will be happy to consider alternative options should the majority wish to follow different content.


You need a minimum G6-6 overall in Combined Sciences GCSE.  You must have gained a minimum of a G6 in both Physics papers. If you have taken the separate Physics GCSE, you must have achieved at least a G6. In addition, you must have achieved at least a G6 in GCSE Mathematics.


But don’t take my word that you should study physics. Have a look at these……



AQA Specification link


For further details please contact Dr. Lewis (

