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High School

Part of the Avonreach Academy Trust

School Performance Data

2024 Provisional Data

The data below is our most recent provisional performance data from 2024.

Key Stage 4 Performance Measures
Progress 8 Score+0.08
Percentage of students entering the EBacc22%
Percentage of students staying in education or employment Post 1696%
Percentage of students achieving a grade 5 or above in English and Maths39%
Attainment 8 Score46.34


You can view all of the school's published data on the website:

Key Stage 5 Performance Measures

ProgressA levels-0.52
Academic Qualifications including A levels-0.53
Applied General Qualifications-0.13
AttainmentA levels31.67 (C)
Academic Qualifications including A levels29.59 (C)
Applied General Qualifications35.3 (Distinction)
English and Maths Progressn/a
Retention (Started Yr 12 and ended Yr 13)96.1%
Destinations (2017 leavers, awaiting update)94%

