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Sixth Form

Part of the Avonreach Academy Trust


“The purpose of psychology is to give us a completely different idea of the things we know best.” Paul Valery


Open your mind to a different science. Have you ever wondered?


  • Why certain people are capable of committing a crime?
  • What causes schizophrenia?
  • About how the man with no brain existed?


If the answer is yes to any of the above questions or if you have an interest in human behaviour, then Psychology could be the subject for you.


Psychology is the scientific study of human mind and behaviour. It helps us to understand, predict and in some cases change behaviour.


Throughout the course you will have the opportunity to study a number of exciting and thought-provoking topics. For example you will learn about criminal behaviour and will be involved in looking at offender profiling and the treatment of offenders. In addition, you will gain a deeper insight into your own behaviour and the impact that this has on those around you.

Assessment is through 3 examination papers (100% examination)


  • Paper 1 - Introductory Topics in Psychology: Social Influence, Memory Attachment and Psychopathology
  • Paper 2 - Psychology in Context: Approaches in Psychology, Biopsychology and Research Methods.
  • Paper 3 - Issues and Options in Psychology: Issues and Debates in Psychology, Relationships, Schizophrenia and Forensic Psychology


Student comments


“I loved the criminal psychology conference. Being able to interview real offenders and ask them actual questions about why they committed the crime was excellent, if a little scary!”


Year 12 student


“Psychology at Pershore has been fab! Not only have I learnt some really exciting theories, it has also helped me to overcome obstacles that have prevented me from reaching my goals and becoming the person I always wanted to be.”


Year 13 student


Psychology is highly favoured by employers, giving you an excellent advantage in the job market. Employment opportunities include marketing, nursing, human resources and counselling, in addition to the specialist fields in psychology e.g. forensic and clinical psychology.

You are required to have G5 in Combined Science GCSE or a separate science and a G5 in both English and Mathematics at GCSE. No previous knowledge of Psychology is necessary. However, an interest in people is essential!




Useful Reading


  • Eysenck, M. W. and M. T. Keane (2010). Cognitive psychology: a student's handbook. Hove, Psychology Press. 
  • Bentall, R. & Beck. A.T. (2004). Madness Explained: Psychosis and Human Nature
  • Dennett, D.C. (1993). Consciousness Explained
  • Greenfield, S. (2002). The Private Life of the Brain o
  • Gross, R.D. (2005). Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour
  • Hogg, M. A. and G. M. Vaughan (2010). Essentials of social psychology. London, Prentice Hall.
  • Ridley, M. (2004). Nature via Nurture: Genes, experience and what makes us human
  •  Ramachandran, V.S. & Blakeslee S. (1999). Phantoms in the Brain: Human Nature and the Architecture of the Mind


For further details please contact Zoë Starkey
