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High School

Part of the Avonreach Academy Trust


Careers Contact Information

You can contact Mrs Booton-Gwynne Head of Careers by email ( or by telephone (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) 01386 552471

Careers News


Thinking about a career in Art & Design? From Art & Graphic Design to Photography, Film & Television or Performing Arts. Browse a whole range of creative careers





Work in the twenty-first century places complex demands on young people and as a school we are committed to helping our students to become self-confident, skilled and ready to manage their future careers. A programme of careers education is integrated into the curriculum alongside a wide programme of other work related activities and information, advice and guidance. 

Next Review August 2024

At Pershore High School, we actively encourage and inspire young people to be independent and take ownership of their career plans, whilst considering all options available to them, so they are able to select the best way forward for their aspirations, abilities, interests and learning styles.


We encourage students to think broadly and ambitiously about their future education and career options and to consider current labour market conditions to ensure they make well informed decisions about their futures.  This is strengthened by excellent relationships and contact with our careers adviser, local employers, training providers, colleges, universities and school alumni.


We recognise that our students may have several careers over their working lives.  Our aim therefore, is to ensure they leave Pershore High as resilient, confident young people able to cope with life’s events and challenges having developed the skills to manage their careers and the capacity to cope with change as and when it happens.


Our extensive careers education programme ensures students in years 7 – 13 receive timely information, advices and guidance regarding the full range of options available to assist them to make informed decisions about their next steps in education, training or employment.


We work in partnership with local and national organisations, parents and alumni. Work related activities include engagement with employers in curriculum learning, visits to workplaces, opportunities to undertake a work experience placement, visits to regional Careers Fairs, apprenticeship workshops and mock interviews.


We value the rich contribution that parents, alumni, colleges, universities, training providers and employers can make, inspiring and informing our students, and are always keen to hear from anyone willing to contribute to our careers programme. Both alumni and parents can register their interest using the alumni link on this website.


Representatives from local colleges, universities, training providers or employers please complete an “Application for Provider Access” form and return it to Mrs Booton-Gwynne.



Measuring the Impact of the Careers Programme


At Pershore High School, we measure the impact of the careers programme by a range of methods such as:

  • progress made towards the achievement of the Gatsby Benchmarks,
  • students completing feedback questionnaires after a career event,
  • inviting feedback from employers and providers participating in careers events and activities,
  • reviewing the destination data for students leaving school and sixth form to ensure zero NEET,
  • using a scaling system before and after a one to one guidance interview to gage students confidence and ability to move forward in pursuit of their career plans and next steps.
  • See our Careers Learning Journey:




Parents/carers, learners, employers, training providers and education providers are welcome to give feedback on any aspect of the CEIAG programme to Mrs Booton-Gwynne, Head of Careers


How can careers staff help you?


As written in the DfE statutory guidance 2014, impartial “is defined as showing no bias or favouritism towards a particular education or work option”.  This approach is taken throughout the information, advice and guidance programme and by the delivery of one to one guidance interviews by our Level 6 CEG qualified and experienced school careers adviser Mrs Booton-Gwynne, Head of Careers, .


One to one guidance appointments are available during the school day and where possible are arranged in free periods for sixth form students and by agreement with teaching staff in KS3 and KS4.  Once to one guidance interviews are client centred, whereby the student sets the agenda for the interview. Students have the opportunity to discuss their career plans and to consider a wide range of options that best suit their aspirations, strengths, abilities and learning styles.


By providing individualised and impartial information, advice and guidance, we can help you to:


  • Research your career ideas,
  • Investigate learning and work opportunities
  • Research the local and national labour market
  • Evaluate your options and decide on the action needed
  • Make your GCSE option choices, your post 16 and post 18 option choices,
  • Prepare a CV
  • Apply for employment or Apprenticeships,
  • Discuss university courses
  • Find a work experience placement (Yr 12 and 13)



Where to find us

In the Careers Office, 2nd floor, Humanities Block


Opening times

The Careers Office is open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 8.00am – 4.00pm.


Students are welcome to drop by during break times or to email appointment requests to Mrs Booton-Gwynne.


Careers Resources


There are a huge number of very good careers exploration and information websites available on the internet. We encourage you to start exploring your career ideas.  You might like to start with:

