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Sixth Form

Part of the Avonreach Academy Trust


“The study of geography is about more than just memorising places on a map. It is about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exists across continents. And in the end, it's about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together.”

                                                                                                       Barak Obama



“Geography prepares for the world of work - geographers, with their skills of analysis are highly employable!”

                                                                                                        Michael Palin



Geography, with its focus on people, places and environments and their interconnections and change, is central to understanding the changing nature of the world around us. Learning about the environment, sustainable development, climate change and other relevant issues creates informed citizens who can help to effect change in a modern world.


The new linear course is dynamic; incorporating content that is wide-ranging and exciting including traditional geography subjects such as Coasts and Tectonic and Atmospheric Hazards and more modern topics, for example Changing Places and Global Governance. The range of topics allows you discover aspects of geography that you did not cover at GCSE.


Fieldwork forms an important element of the course with various trips organised. We provide you the opportunity to learn new skills that you will be able to practise during your Independent Investigation. Every student will take part in a residential fieldtrip at the end of Year 12 to learn these skills.





  • Physical geography exam – 2.5 hours (40%) - Water and Carbon cycles, Coastal systems and landscapes and Hazards.
  • Human geography exam – 2.5 hours (40%) - Global systems and global governance, changing places and contemporary urban environments.
  • Independent Investigation - coursework (20%) - An individual investigation 3000 - 4000 words which must include data collected in the field.


Through geography, you develop skills that employers want in potential employees: good communication, teamwork, self-management and independent thinking, analysis, numeracy and literacy, investigation and research skills and computing.

Consequently, geographers are highly employable; the percentage unemployed after graduating is amongst the lowest of all subjects.


Geography complements other subjects. It can add science to an arts based programme of study and it can also improve essay writing and evaluative skills for students studying the sciences; it gives breadth to students’ choices.



Reading Expectations



A- Level is all about becoming independent and we encourage this through a number of Avenues in the Geography department. For example the Geography Review magazine, GeoFact sheets and other resources available on the shared areas.


Becoming Independent in your own way....



A – Level students are expected to contribute relevant research and information to class discussion so it is important to keep well-informed of current events.


We make use of a website called padlet during to enable you to become independent and passionate about your studies and ready you for life at further education and the workplace.


The website allows you to consolidate research onto a pin board which can be shared with class mates to develop understanding.


Please click on the link to access Pershore High School Geography Department Padlet page to keep up to date with our geographical learning journey.




You will need at least a GCSE G6 in Geography, together with a G6 in English or English Literature GCSE.


For further details, please contact:


Mr Adam Kilgallon (Head of Geography)
