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High School

Part of the Avonreach Academy Trust

Music Instrumental Lessons

Instrumental and vocal tuition in school


At Pershore High School a combination of private tutors and colleagues from Severn Arts teach additional music lessons to children. If your child is interested in learning to play an instrument or would like to have singing lessons this can be arranged directly with Severn Arts or the relevant private tutor.
Instruments in the brass and stringed families are taught by Severn Arts as well as voice and guitar, and many of these instruments taught are available to hire if lessons are provided by Severn Arts staff.  Severn Arts also has a large stock of instruments available to hire at subsidised rates (or free for those who meet specific criteria). This is an excellent way of ensuring your child has a good quality instrument to learn with and that the size is appropriate for them depending on their age and stature. Instruments sizes can also be changed as your child grows. Instrument hire can be ordered at the same time as tuition through the Severn Arts website. 


Booking Lessons


If you wish to receive or continue to have piano or keyboard tuition, please contact Karen Massey directly. She will provide details about lesson costs and will answer any other queries you may have.  Her e-mail address is and her phone number is 07512 649718


If you wish to learn, or want to continue to learn flute, clarinet or saxophone please contact Nicky Fox directly. She will provide further details about lesson charges, instrument hire and will be able to answer any other queries you may have.  Her e-mail address contact is


If you wish to apply for or continue drum tuition, lessons are provided by James Booton.  He will provide you with further details about lessons, costs and any other queries you may have.  His e-mail address is


For all other tuition, Severn Arts provide lessons.  Please click on the link below for more details.  


To book and pay for lessons please go to School Music Tuition. Once they have received payment, Severn Arts will then agree lesson details.


Severn Arts lessons are available as 20-minute individual lessons (£15.76 per lesson), 30-minute individual lesson (£23.64 per lesson).


If your child is already receiving lessons, please note that you will need to re-register for the new academic year as lessons will not roll over. Please log into your account to do this.

Making music and learning a new skill can have a huge benefit to your wellbeing and can be lots of fun!

For further information or any queries
please contact Severn Arts:



All teachers are enhanced DBS checked and safeguarding trained. 

