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High School

Part of the Avonreach Academy Trust

Prevent and Safeguarding Students from Extremism

All schools have a legal duty to protect young people from the risk of radicalisation, and to safeguard them from being drawn into terrorism. This is known as the "Prevent duty". Please see our Extremism policy.

At Pershore High School we achieve this through:


  • A curriculum which promotes tolerance and respect, teaches about the dangers of extremism in all its forms and builds students' resilience to radicalisation
  • A distinctive school ethos which has a commitment to equality and diversity at its heart
  • Appropriate training for staff
  • Robust web filtering systems to keep students safe online
  • Policies relating to visiting speakers in school, the letting of school premises to external organisations and student participation in off-site activities
  • Support for vulnerable students and clear procedures for referrals
  • Working in partnership with other agencies

For further information and organisations that can support parents please access the information below:
