Textiles at Pershore High School allows students to build vital skills and knowledge, not just in the practical aspect of sewing but also in the development of transferable skills, such as analytical thinking, problem solving, accuracy, planning and evaluation. All desirable skills that many industries are asking for in relation to further/higher education and apprenticeships.
We explore both constructive and decorative techniques that allow students to develop knowledge and skills with a range of specialist machinery. Students explore different cultures and their contribution to the textile industry, environmental issues surrounding the textile and fashion industry, new and advancing technologies alongside learning about fibres and fabrics.
All students complete KS3 with the skills and knowledge that they can apply to other areas of their life, choosing materials that will be more sustainable and durable based on their knowledge of fibres and fabrics, repairing an item of clothing so it can continue to be used. Or even developing the dexterity in their hands to support their aspiration of becoming a surgeon! ( https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-46019429 )
Should students choose to continue their interest in Textiles or Design and Technology in to KS4 they will have a source book of information and samples started in year seven and added to throughout KS3 that will support their progression.
Year 7
Students learn the fundamentals of textiles focusing on key techniques and processes. Students learn about the impact of the fashion and textile industry on the environment and learn basic methods of fabric construction & decoration.
Year 8
Students build upon skills learnt in year 7, developing more complex techniques and processes, focusing on fastenings, surface decoration and manipulation. We build upon knowledge of fibres, focusing on fabric construction and fabric testing.
Year 9
Students are encouraged to work more independently to consolidate processes and techniques they have learnt throughout year KS3. Students work to a design brief and undertake research to develop a design solution.