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High School

Part of the Avonreach Academy Trust


Welcome to the Friends of Pershore High School.


We are a friendly, open busy committee whose mission is to raise funds to enhance the learning and life experiences of all the students at Pershore High School.


Global Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) come into effect on 25th May 2018


We would like you to be assured that we have always taken your personal data security very seriously and confirm our commitment to your privacy.


We treat your data with the utmost care. The Friends of Pershore High School (FOPHS) will never pass on 100+ Club members details to any bodies outside the PTA.


By signing up to be a member of the 100+ club you agree to us contacting you by post, phone or email.


The ‘FOPHS will only ever publish members surnames, if they have won, on the school
web-site and newsletter.


All contact details will be destroyed once membership has lapsed.


If you require any further information - please contact the ‘Friends’ at



Do you have some new creative ideas to raise funds? We would like to hear them. 

We also would love to see some new faces at our meetings that take place once a term and only last about an hour!

Vacancy - Chair
Vacancy - Vice Chair
Sara Stanton - Treasurer 
Mel Smith - 100 Club Coordinator
Tracey Day - Secretary

To contact us: Email

Follow us on Facebook Friends of Pershore High School.


AGM - Next Meeting: TBC

100+ Club

If you prefer you could support the school by joining the 100+ Club. For just £2 a month you could be in with a chance to win up to £60.

Interested ? Just download the application form, complete and drop it in to school. For further details contact Mel Smith either via our Facebook page or email us


100+ Club Winners



April 2024

1st   Miss E Bliss £60                  
2nd  Ms G Baker-Rhymes    £40
3rd   Liz Kershaw  £20    
4th   Mrs E Lees   £10       


March 2024


1st    Mrs W Proctor   £60.00

2nd   Miss E Bliss        £40.00

3rd    Mr P Moody       £20.00

4th    Mr M Charles     £10.00


February 2024


1st    S.J Sprott       £60

2nd   H&D Hunt       £40

3rd    M Smith          £20

4th    C A Woodcock    £10


January 2024


1st   Sandy Poulton    £60

2nd   Mr C Corbett       £40

3rd   C Smith    £20

4th   Mrs C Coleman   £10


December 2023


1st   B Corbishley    £60

2nd   Jo Riordan      £40

3rd   D&J Bridgewater   £20

4th   A Iddon   £10


November 2023


1st   A Smith       £60

2nd  M Smith       £40

3rd   R Barrett      £20

4th   A Bluck         £10


October 2023


1st     Mrs A Riley             £60

2nd     Mrs Z Budding   £40

3rd     T Grubb                 £20

4th     Clive Corbett           £10


September 2023


1st     A Bluck                 £60

2nd     Z Jenner-Jones  £40

3rd     Mr M Charles            £20

4th     A Smith                 £10


Joining the 100+ Club

Joining the 100+ Club is easy. Simply download the application form below. Fill it in, and return it to us. It costs only £2 a month and helps the Friends of Pershore High School with their fundraising.

Do You Shop Online?  Did you know you could raise funds every time you shop online? Just use the Giving Machine. See below:

