Safeguarding Students from Bullying
“Bullying is the wilful, conscious desire to hurt, threaten or frighten and may involve physical, verbal or written communication. Bullying can come in a variety of forms but includes name calling, 'put downs', menacing looks, deliberate barging or tripping, interference with personal property or the issuing of threats. The latter may be written or verbal and delivered directly, through a third party or electronically by the use of e-mail, text messaging or Facebook”
All staff are asked to be alert to possible signs of distress, both immediate and long term signs and also to be aware of the needs of our most vulnerable students. Students are encouraged to bring to the attention of staff any incident of bullying, whether it affects them personally or another student.
Please access our Anti-Bullying policy below:
Pershore High School is currently working with The Diana Award’s ‘Anti-bullying Ambassador Programme’. The Anti-Bullying Ambassador Programme equips students and staff with the tools needed to tackle bullying behaviour head on, transform your school’s approach to anti-bullying and create a safer, kinder school community. Our Programme is youth-led, with your students leading their anti-bullying campaign as Anti-Bullying Ambassadors.
Further information and organisations offering help can be accessed here.