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High School

Part of the Avonreach Academy Trust

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  • Work for students whose teachers are not available to set remote learning

    Wed 01 Feb 2023 PH

    Teaching staff who are not striking have set work on ePraise for students to access remotely.  Should students not have any work set as their teacher is on strike they have also been provided with a list of links for English, Maths and Science, also on ePraise.  This is copied here for reference:


    Should you have a lesson where no work has been provided:


    If you are taking public exams at the end of this academic year, you must use this time to make some appropriate revision notes in topic areas they would be most helpful to you.  You are not revising but making preparations for when you do – remember the more times you review the same information, over a long period of time, the more likely you will commit this to your long-term memory and be able to retrieve it when you need it in an exam.


    If you have an assessment coming up in any subject, use the time to prepare for this.


    If you want to engage in some independent learning, you could use the following links to explore a new area of interest within the subject area, or find out more about what you are currently studying in lessons.




    Years 7 to 9

    Continuity Oak

    Curriculum - Curriculum (


    BBC Teach (for Shakespeare)

    KS3 English Literature - BBC Teach


    Year 10

    Continuity Oak (revision lessons for both ‘Blood Brothers’ and ‘Romeo and Juliet’)

    Curriculum - Curriculum (


    English folder of the Student Shared Area


    English Lit KS3 - choose sections from the Shakespeare section


    Year 11

    ‘Y11 Independent Study’ in the Student Shared Area (resources/practice questions/links)




    login: eg 012345@pershore (using your school login number)

    password: divide


    If you don’t have any tasks/homework on there, you can still choose your own topics to work on independently. Year 8 to Year 10 have upcoming Maths tests and have a revision list on Epraise, which has hyperlinks to Mathswatch videos and practice questions.


    Other sites:

    Maths | Pershore High School (there is a document with links to these websites, and more)




    Years 10 & 11

    Doddle Science

    Doddle (

    There are a great deal of resources and simple assessments you can use there






    Available for all students not just those studying GCSE.  Sign in with Microsoft 365 login


    BBC Teach (for all subjects)

  • Strike Action: School Closure for students in Years 7 to 11

    Wed 01 Feb 2023 PH

    Following the decision by the largest teachers’ union, the Nation Education Union (NEU), to take strike action on Wednesday 1st February the school will be closed to students in Years 7 to 11.. 


    Inevitably, industrial action generates strong opinions, especially when children are affected. The industrial action is part of a national dispute between the teaching unions and the Government, and not linked specifically to Pershore High School. A striking colleague’s decision will have been a very difficult one, particularly given their ongoing dedication to your child’s education and welfare.  A significant proportion of teachers at Pershore are members of the NEU and it is important that you are aware that the normal school day will be disrupted next Wednesday. 


    You may be aware that unions do not share specific information about who will be taking industrial action in advance and therefore, in order to plan for a safe and organised school environment, we have to assume that all staff in the NEU will be absent. In addition, there will be staff who are themselves affected by strike action because their child’s primary school, for example, is closing. Therefore, unfortunately, the strike will impact on the majority of students.


    The arrangements for Wednesday 1st February are as follows:




    Years 7 to 11

    The school will be closed to students in Year 7 to Year 11 and they remain at home. 

    We will provide access to online learning activities for each year group via epraise on Wednesday 1st February, where possible due to staff absence.


    Years 12 & 13

    Students in Years 12 and Year 13 are expected in school as normal; there is staff capacity to manage their attendance safely.  Students should follow their usual timetable, with taught lessons where the teacher is present, and be prepared to work independently on their studies where this is not the case.  Students are required on site for the day in the usual way.


    Vulnerable students

    We have limited capacity to provide supervision at school for students that may be considered vulnerable, following the DfE guidance included in the letter sent to parents on Friday, 27 January; the students will use the facilities for their online learning activities, as those students who are at home.


    All students attending school are not required to wear school uniform on Wednesday 1st February.



    School transport will be running as normal on the day.  Students attending school should arrive at their usual time and sign in at the school Reception.


    Free School Meals and School lunches

    All students attending school will have access to Pershore Kitchen as normal.  The parents/carers of students eligible for free school meals students who are not attending school will be emailed a Wonde voucher for that day.


    There are further strikes planned for Wednesday 1st March, Wednesday 15th March and Thursday 16th March.

    Although subsequent strike days may have a similar impact, we will update you with arrangements specific to those dates. As ever, thank you for your forbearance in our attempt to minimise the disruption to your child’s education.


    Best wishes,

    Phil Hanson
